Level Up

Your PErformance Strength


Ready to Level Up?

Designed for athletes ages 14 and up – these sessions are valuable for athletes participating at any level.

Brie is a mental performance coach that will focus on how to prepare for the competition season. Athletes can face many hurdles from mental blocks to coming back from an injury. She will provide tools to help deal with the stress and anxiety that can come with competitive sports to help you feel calm and confident when you hit the mat.

Two Sessions to Choose From!

Regina Session
Sunday, November 5th
11:00am – 12:30pm
Sask Sport Hall of Fame – 2205 Victoria Avenue
Cost: $15
Saskatoon Session
Sunday, Novembe 19th
11:00am – 12:30pm
Sask Sport – 510 Cynthia Street
Room 140 (Rear entrance – ring bell for access)
Cost: $15

Space is Limited in each Session!

Brie Ellard-Jedlic

While training full time with the National Women’s Rowing Team, Brie studied Psychology, and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Regina. After realizing the benefits of sport psychology in her own rowing career, she went on to pursue her graduate studies at the University of Western Ontario, where she completed her Master of Arts degree in Kinesiology – Sport Psychology. Upon the fulfillment of her academics, she taught for three years as an adjunct professor at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. At GVSU she was also the Head Coach for the Women’s Rowing program and a mental training consultant to various individual and team sports. Brie’s sport background is very diverse. She was involved in gymnastics, swimming, and diving at the provincial level as well as rowing at the national and international level and has many athletic achievements at national levels in rowing. After the birth of their first child, Brie and her husband Chad returned home to Regina. They now have four children and Brie is balancing family life while working as a mental performance consultant and being active every day. Brie’s background in sport, in addition to her academic expertise, has given her great understanding and empathy, as well as tremendous passion for helping aspiring athletes, students and performers of all levels achieve their potential in life.

Education & Credentials
Master of Arts (Sport Psychology) – University of Western Ontario
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) – University of Regina
Canadian Sport Psychology Association – Professional Member
Consultant for Sports Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan 
Consultant for Canadian Sport Centre Saskatchewan