Hosting An SCA Sanctioned event

Application Process

The SCA Sanctioned Events Policy has been in effect since May 2017.  Within this policy is a requirement for all event producers to apply for SCA competition sanctioning.

Step 1

Review the SCA Sanctioned Events Policy to fully understanding the parameters you can work within.

This document will outline both the required elements for a sanctioned competition in Saskatchewan, as well as other pertinent information.  In order for competition events to be successfully sanctioned within Saskatchewan, all SCA bylaws must be followed.  In addition, the SCA has also compiled some recommendations and guidelines to help event producers receive sanctioning and to run a successful competition.

Step 2

Complete and submit the SCA Sanctioned Event Application Form at least 3 months prior to the desired date of your event.

The purpose of the SCA sanctioning application is to ensure all our event producers have read and understand our SCA Sanctioned Events Policy. The SCA shall sanction all competitions that follow the SCA bylaws and polices as outlined throughout the application. The second purpose of the application is for insurance purposes, allowing event producers and the SCA the security that the liability insurance is in place for all SCA sanctioned events.

Step 3

Review the SCA Judging Policy.  Complete and submit the SCA Judges Request Form at least 3 months prior to the desired date of your event.

The SCA will train and maintain a limited number of judges.  These judges can be contracted by event producers.  The SCA will calculate and invoice the event producer for the total cost of the judging honorariums and score sheet costs.  The SCA will then in turn pay the judges on behalf of the event producer. SCA judges will only judge based on the score sheets for which they have been trained on. Deviation from the SCA approved score sheets may require the event producer to source outside judges.

Requests will be granted on a first come, first serve basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is considered a sanctioned event?

A “Sanctioned Event” includes all games, competitions or sport demonstrations run by the SCA or by a member club authorized by the SCA, including related training at the event site and at club premises. Social activities and fundraising activities including those involving liquor are also covered providing it is sanctioned by the SCA.

How do I get a certificate of insurance for my event?

Contact the SCA Office at least two weeks prior to your event.

SCA Office

1 (306) 343-7221

7103 Maple Valley Crescent, Regina, Saskatchewan S4X 0B2

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